Why is communication important to your MAT and how can you support it?

Why is communication important to your MAT and how can you support it?

Effective communication is one of the key steps to not only successfully recruiting new schools into your Multi Academy Trust, but also to ensure the overall success and growth of the trust.

Communication within your MAT is important to convey clear, strong and coherent messaging to parents, pupils, and the wider community. Internal MAT communication builds rapport among employees, managers and shareholders encouraging teamwork and collaboration across the schools.

Q - So how can you support communication across your MAT? 

A - Become coherent 

Improvement and growth of MAT’s is hugely supported by ‘coherence’. Coherence begins with a shared mission, vision and values across all of the trust schools. It’s non-negotiable that every MAT and school has a clear and succinct mission, that guides strategic choices about both the schools and their communities. You can do this by having a well-executed communication strategy, ensuring that all the schools are on board with this. 

Use technology for communication between schools

Today's technology makes communication faster and more effective. You could consider using a shared platform or app that lets you communicate with speed and efficiency. Integrated collaboration programs can also ensure you are aware of each school's progress, as well as being able to provide guidance throughout a project.

Ensure the MAT has one central communication department for all the schools in the trust.

Acting as a centrally based department, governing all the schools has many benefits, whether that is sharing of resources, or time and money saved. But more importantly for communication purposes, it ensures that everything remains clear and consistent across all the schools within the MAT.

With over 20 years of experience in education consultancy and communication we have a scalable proven strategy that can be implemented within your MAT, therefore saving time and expense coming up with a whole new communication strategy.

Here at Glove, we are highly experienced in building communication strategies and systems for all different sized MATs. We have built up a fantastic archive of not only knowledge, but also documentation, resources and proven strategies that allow us to efficiently devise and execute a strategy, issue a communications policy, and integrate any procedures that are necessary for your MAT communication to run efficiently.

To find out more about how Glove can help and support you with your MAT communications, get in touch: info@gloveconsulting.co.uk


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